One-on-One with Flossie Skincare Founder & CEO Ashley Terrell

At the young age of just 22, Ashley Terrell, Flossie Skincare Founder amp; CEO, has taken the world by storm with her seven companies and counting, including a clothing label and a production company. It is no wonder she won third place in the State of Virginia for entrepreneurship when she was just 18 years old.
After graduating two year early, nearly the head of her class, Ashley went on to pursue her education, tackling an Associate of Arts Degree in Pastry Arts at Johnson and Wales in Charlotte, NC, and is currently working on a business degree at Bryant and Stratton in Virginia Beach and a Public Relations degree at Tidewater Community College. Ashley is also the author of “The Diary of the Successful Stilettos” book series, as well as a model.

And not too mention she has one of the hottest new natural skincare lines on the market today, and one of my personal faves. Prepare-ment for Relaxation peppermint scrub, Get Growing Tea, and Apple Cider for Softness are just a few of the fabulous products that Flossie Skincare has to offer. It all started with Ashley’s biggest inspiration Grandma Flossie and her incredible homemade recipes.

Recently, I was awarded the opportunity to sit down with the amazingly talented Ashley Terrell, founder and CEO of Flossie Skincare, to talk about; her amazing skincare line, incredible accomplishments, and what keeps this young woman going from day to day. And here is what she had to say.

How did you start your first business and what was it?

My first business originally was my clothing company, it was called Yel’ Hsa Clothing (my name spelled backwards), but over the years, I changed the name to B. Dang3rouz Clothing. I started it when I was seven. I was making clothes for my Barbie’s because I couldn’t afford to buy the clothes, so I started making them myself. From there, I started making bigger pieces for adult people in my bedroom. From there, my mother saw my potential and gave me her sewing machine and I started making dresses and skirts I could dress up in.

How old were you when you realized what you wanted to do when you got older?

I think I was about seven. Over the years, I kind of had a grasp of where I was headed. At ten, I started reading business books, just to get a head start. At the age of fourteen, I was telling my business mentors what to do and how to get things done! Nonetheless, I had potential at a young age.

What is your biggest inspiration? And Why?

My great grandmother Flossie Lee. My companies are all pretty much named after her. She was so strong and powerful. She meant a lot as well as I learned a lot from her. She was the one that kept me motivated and told me when to steer away from things that could hurt or affect me. She always use to tell me what you want in life is worth fighting for and if it doesn’t happen when you want it to, keep trying. I even use her name as an acronym for business! F.L.O.S.S.I.E. = Fun, Luck, Optimistic, Satisfy the customer, Smile, I contact, Excite. It has helped a lot over the years.

What is your favorite project that you have worked on?

I have to say this year; it has to be Flossie Skincare. Only because we switched over from plant and root based products to completely organic and getting them certified has been the part where you have to be optimistic because the process is quite long. Not to mention, the new labels, the new bottles, the new marketing campaign, and the constant need and use of guerilla marketing. Everyone has their own reaction to the new line. I still have a lot in store for Flossie Skincare this coming year, so be looking out for it! Also check out .

What is the most challenging or stressful part of your career?

(Sigh) Overcoming other’s thoughts on you being a young entrepreneur. People sometimes think that since you are young, your attention span, morale and motivation to complete anything isn’t worth trusting. A lot of people in the business world didn’t take me seriously in the beginning because of my age, the ideas I had developed and where I saw myself– they thought I was a joke. So I had to perfect my craft more and come back harder to show them I was the real deal and I have so much potential. I still have the same problem on certain days, but at the end of the day, I give my all, I work hard and I barely sleep to show the world that I am an example of a hard working entrepreneur and this is what I love to do.

What is the most rewarding part of your career?

Seeing that people really like my products and appreciate my work ethic. I like knowing they love my skin care products, my samples from my clothing lines, my customer services reps, the whole nine. I love the feeling that people see and understand my hard work pays off.

What words of wisdom would you pass onto others following in your footsteps?

Blessings come in many shapes and forms. Keep an open mind and all things will come within time. Don’t ever feel or believe that the road you are needed to go down will show you all the obstacles ahead of time. Obstacles on our roads help God see if we really want our blessings or not. Don’t ever be afraid of failure. Believe it or not, failure is what motivates us to be better at our gifts. You work longer hours for yourself than you would for someone in Corporate America, but at the end of the day, when you hold the key to your own building, it means more than anything. Keep God first, family second and yourself third. Show Him praise even in the midst of your problems. Thank Him for all your blessings. Stay motivated and determined; think outside the box and you WILL get there.

What is your favorite Flossie Skin care Product?

Wow, that is definitely a hard one because I love them all! I have to say the Shea Butter Moisturizer is my favorite right now because it seems to be the most talked about item this season! It definitely keeps your skin moisturized in this cold weather. We also have the Shea Butter Moisturizer Kit on . Aside from this, I would definitely recommend to use derma roller amazon. It is truly amazing!

What else will we see in the future? Any new businesses or products?

I am currently making some adjustments for the year 2011. I am working on the first issue of my online magazine, Spotlight Magazin3, which will be debuting in January. I am in the real estate field right now. The sense of independence– I so love it! I am looking to open a real estate lead generating business, called FL Marketing Solutions, in Portsmouth, Virginia sometime next year as well as my clothing boutique, Dang3rouz Trendz, in Virginia Beach, Virginia in September 2011.

Check out the amazing products that Flossie Skincare has to offer by visiting .

And check out some of her other fabulous companies:

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